diarrhoea 1Intestinal diseases may become complicated in many different ways i.e. frequent bleeding due to deep ulceration of the large gut (colon), various kinds of constipation and dysentery, cancer of the liver, cancer of the intestines, and diarrhoea of acute or chronic nature. In short, any complication may develop in the intestinal diseases.

Naturally, it is very difficult to encompass them in the repertory. However, a list of the most important ones is laid down below. Under these headings, frequent reference has been made concerning other remedies too. A careful study of the following, a few times, will help in remembering them and to arrive at the correct diagnosis of the patient fairly easily.


Abrotanum - Aconitum - Aethusa - Aloe - Alumen - Alumina - Apis - Apocynum - Argentum Nitricum - Arnica - Arsenicum - Baptisia - Baryta Carb - Belladonna - Bryonia - Calcarea Carb - Calcarea Carbonica - Calcarea Fluor - Cantharis - Capsicum - Carbo Animalis - Carbo Veg - Carcinosin - Ceanothus - Chamomilla - Chelidonium - China - Cholesterinum - Cina - Colchicum - Colocynthis - Croton - Cuprum - Dioscorea - Dulcamara - Ferrum Phos - Fluoricum Acidum - Gelsemium - Graphites - Hepar Sulph - Ipecacuanha - Iris Tenax - Kali Carb - Kali Mur - Mag Phos - Magnesia Carbonic - Mercurius - Millefolium - Natrum Muriaticum - Natrum Sulphuricum - Nitric Acid - Nux Vomica - Opium - Oxalic Acid - Phosphorus - Plumbum - Podophyllum - Psorinum - Silicea - Sulphur - Thuja - Tuberculinum - Veratrum Album

by Mirza Tahir Ahmad